2024 FEES
- General Information
- Symposia
- Atomic Layer Deposition
- Biomaterials and Polymers
- Characterization and Metrology
- Luminescence Phenomena: Materials and Applications
- Microelectronics and MEMS
- Multifunctional and Magnetic Materials
- Nanostructures
- Plasma and Vacuum
- Renewable Energy: Materials and Devices
- Semiconductors
- Tribology, Surfaces and Interfaces
- Theory and Simulation of Materials
- Thin Films
- Science Outreach
- General Program
- Plenary Lectures
- Short Courses
- Technical Talk
- Congress Registration
- Second Athletic Race Registration
- Posters
- Abstract Submission 2024
- Commitees
- Fees
- Hotel Accomodation
- Awards/Grants
- Sponsors and Exhibit
- Book of Abstracts
The funds that the SMCTSM receives through the payment of the membership and inscriptions to the conference represent a significant part of the assets that are required to organize a high quality annual international conference. Similarly, those funds allow us to offer a variety of different types of grants to the students who need help to be able to participate in the conference.

BBVA: Cuenta No. 0148388164
CLABE: 012 180 00148388164 3
A nombre de: Sociedad Mexicana de Ciencia y Tecnología de Superficies y Materiales
- Si el pago se va a efectuar por transferencia electrónica (SPEI), escriba por favor, su nombre en la línea “concepto”.
- Si el pago se efectúa en ventanilla de banco o se hace a través de transferencia bancaria (SPEI), envíe una copia escaneada a través del formulario de “Comprobante de pago” localizado en el menú de miembros. (Tener cuenta creada y acceder a ella).