Student Grants
- General Information
- Symposia
- Atomic Layer Deposition
- Biomaterials and Polymers
- Characterization and Metrology
- Luminescence Phenomena: Materials and Applications
- Microelectronics and MEMS
- Multifunctional and Magnetic Materials
- Nanostructures
- Plasma and Vacuum
- Renewable Energy: Materials and Devices
- Semiconductors
- Tribology, Surfaces and Interfaces
- Theory and Simulation of Materials
- Thin Films
- Science Outreach
- Plenary Lectures
- Short Courses
- Technical Talk
- Congress Registration
- General Program
- Posters
- Abstract Submission 2024
- Commitees
- Fees
- Hotel Accomodation
- Awards/Grants
- Sponsors and Exhibit
The SMCTSM actively promotes the participation of students in our annual meeting so they could benefit from the opportunity to interact with experienced researchers who are presenting the advances of their research. At the plenary talks the students have a unique opportunity occasion to grasp the status and the perspectives of trending topics directly from leading scientists. Students participating in our meeting also have a chance to learn or reinforce valuable knowledge with selected short courses.
By supporting the participation of students in the activities of the SMCTSM we are not only contributing to their academic formation but also we are planting the seed for a new generation of researches and scientists that will push the borders of science for the benefit of our society.
In order to apply to a student grant support the students have to submit the following documents:
- Evidence of his/her full-time status enrollment (example: valid college ID copy of a valid student identification).
- A copy of the payment of 2024 conference inscription fees of the applicant ($ 2,800.00 M.N., see also
- PDF print ot the email acceptance notification of an oral or poster presentation in which the student is the expositor (on site).
- Application_form
The student grant support has the following benefits:
- Conference materials
- Lodging (sharing at least double room). Check-in and check-out, to be confirmed.
Important information
- This year the SMCTSM is able to offer a limited number of grants.
- The students selected to receive a grant support must attend the whole Conference (from Sunday 25 to Friday 27) and be available to help the conference committee with the organization logistics if necessary.
- The student supported must be attend to all the plenary talks and at least one short courses of his/her interest area.
- The accommodation will be carried out by the Dr. Ateet Dutt.
- The committee will not refund any payment made directly to the Hotel.
- Postdocs will not be considered for these grants.
- Student member grant support application deadline: 16th June 2024,
- Applications received after the deadline will not be considered.
Reception of applications and further information:
Dr. Ateet Dutt
Workshop Chair (Vocal de Cursos SMCTSM)
La Sociedad Mexicana de Ciencia y Tecnología de Superficies y Materiales, se complace en dar a conocer el resultado de la Convocatoria de Becas 2024, consistente en 5 noches de hospedaje en ocupación doble, para atender el XVII Congreso, que se llevará a cabo en Ensenada, BC. del 22 al 27 de septiembre.
Se ha hecho un gran esfuerzo para apoyar todas las solicitudes, por lo que los estudiantes que presentan trabajo oral tendrán el 100% del costo del hospedaje y quienes presentaran poster serán apoyados con el 50% del costo, esto es: deberán confirmar su asistencia realizando el pago por $2,260.00 a más tardar el 15 de agosto y enviar su comprobante a los correos:
Deberán presentarse el domingo 22 de septiembre a las 18:00 horas en el Hotel Baja Inn (antes Hotel Cortez) Av. López Mateos No. 1089, Ensenada, BC.