Busch Group
- General Information
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- Atomic Layer Deposition
- Biomaterials and Polymers
- Characterization and Metrology
- Luminescence Phenomena: Materials and Applications
- Microelectronics and MEMS
- Multifunctional and Magnetic Materials
- Nanostructures
- Plasma and Vacuum
- Renewable Energy: Materials and Devices
- Semiconductors
- Tribology, Surfaces and Interfaces
- Theory and Simulation of Materials
- Thin Films
- Science Outreach
- General Program
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- Second Athletic Race Registration
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- Abstract Submission 2024
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- Book of Abstracts

During the last three years at Grupo Busch, I havebeen immersed in technical service and recently Ihave assumed the role of external salesperson inthe commercial area.My career spans 11 years in the high vacuumsector and specializing in leak detection usinghelium mass spectrometry. This experience hasgiven me the opportunity to collaborate closelywith various industries, providing effectivesolutions to their specific vacuum challenges.The specialized training I have received has beenprovided directly from the Pfeiffer Vacuumfactories in Germany, France and the UnitedStates, which has provided me with in-depthknowledge of the different existing technologies,allowing me to contribute in a precise andvaluable way to the manufacturing processes ofour clients.
Title: Vacuum Fundamentals
- What is emptiness?
- Vacuum generation
- Bomb of void
- Vacuum components
- Vacuum measurement
- Leak detection
Speaker: Eng. Oscar Hernández