Abstract Submission

Abstract Submission

Abstract submission for the XVI-ICSMV is open. Please read the below guidelines carefully to prepare your abstract for oral and/or poster presentation.

-We recommend to submit abstracts well ahead of the submission deadline.


The submission deadline is June 30th 2023

-The XVI- ICSMV conference has 14 symposiums. Please select the symposium that best fits the work:


-The abstract submission will be trough Oxford Abstracts, yours will requiere to register on the plataform once.

Please be patient

Guidelines for preparation

Language: English

-Title: must be in capital letters and not exceed 25 words.

-Author and co-authors’ details:

Full name.
Affiliation details: department, institution/university (without abbreviations), Address, state, country.

-Abstract Body: it must not exceed 300 words and be structured in a single paragraph, including background/introduction, objective, methodology, results, and conclusions. It is optional to include one single reference.


After the single paragraph, you can add the following information,

-Keywords: up to 5 Keywords.
-Author for correspondence: e-mail address.
-Reference: If you are going to include a reference, please take into account the following format. A. B. Cdefed Efdgsd, and G. A. Loprn, The art of writing a scientific article, J. Sci. Commun.163 (2010) 51–59. https://doi.org/14.1316/j.Sc.2010.003322.
-This work was supported by: xxxx xxxx.

-Please notice that for correct submitting the abstract, you have to specify the corresponding author and the presenting author.
-For questions regarding the on-line submission process, please email: sociedadmctsm.congreso@gmail.com